Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dentist Round 2

Caden went in for his 2nd dental check-up. We skipped the x-rays this time since they were a nightmare last time. He did really well with his cleaning and even let the hygenist floss his 20 teeth! Good news: No cavaties!! Now, we just have to stay on top of that flossing action at home ; )

Holiday Time!

The Holidays have arrived!! Halloween has come and gone...Leaves are falling, cool air is blowing, closets have been rotated...Whew, this year sure has flown by...we're already well into November!! Thanksgiving is next week!! Time for turkey and all the fixings. Love, love, love this time of year ~ Family time, special traditions, creating new traditions, and making memories!!

Next will be Christmas time...I'm already feeling the pinch to get shopping done and to find or take that perfect picture for our Holiday cards. I LOVE receiving cards from my family and friends. It's so cool to see how everyone's kids have grown over the year. I keep all the photo cards up all year long and switch them out when I get new cards each year.

This year, I plan to use Shutterfly to create a great Holiday card for our family and friends. Shutterfly is a great website for uploading and ordering photo prints, gifts for Christmas and creating a fabulous Christmas card!

Here are just a few that caught my eye right away:




Now to get the kids photo ready and capture a great pic or two!!

Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly… sign up: http://bit.ly/sfly2010